ANOTHER FOX IN THE HENHOUSE: Official with bizarre
views to run forest fire plan
Environmentalists have been saying all along that the Bush administration's
so-called Healthy Forests initiative is a poorly disguised attempt to open
more of our few remaining pristine woodlands to logging. For evidence, just
look at who's been appointed to head the program -- Allan Fitzsimmons, a
policy analyst for ultraconservative "think tanks." Fitzsimmons has
criticized religious groups for embracing the importance of biological
diversity. He once wrote that if all 1,200 of the species listed as endangered
or threatened in this country were to go extinct tomorrow, it "would be a
disconcerting loss but would not constitute a crisis."
The Senate could vote this week on the Bush plan to heavily log our
national forests in the name of fire prevention. Environmentalists are for
protecting people and property by clearing small trees and brush near
communities, but the administration wants to chop down large trees deep in our
forests to enrich the timber industry. Urge your senators to oppose the Bush
plan. If you haven't already, visit www.denaction.org
and respond to Alert #181.
OPEN SEASON ON WOLVES: Wyoming would kill them like
jackrabbits or skunks
Wyoming's politicians are making their true feelings known toward
endangered gray wolves. They want to allow the unrestricted killing of these
magnificent animals throughout most of the state. To make hunting legal, the
Wyoming Game and Fish Commission has voted to seek an end to federal
protections for wolves. "That means the wolf could be killed anytime,
anywhere, and by any means - the same as a coyote, jackrabbit or skunk
..." the Associated Press reports. Send a petition to Interior
Secretary Gale Norton urging her not to strip wolves of their federal
JENNINGS RESPONDS: Outpouring of protests prompts
reply from ABC News anchor
ABC's one-sided report on wolves in Idaho, giving voice to extremists who
want to kill them, is fueling anti-wolf fanatics like those in Wyoming. The
ABC report has prompted an outpouring of protests from DEN members and other
wildlife supporters. ABC News was hit with so many e-mails that Peter Jennings
was forced to respond. If you were angry when you saw the program, wait until
you read Jennings'
e-mail. Tell ABC and Jennings that you support saving America's wolves for future
generations. Make
your voice heard!
a bear to help save creatures of the forest
"Adopt" a black or brown bear today
and help save a life! Bears are threatened by the Bush administration's
attempts to clear-cut our forests. Defenders is leading efforts to save the
creatures of the forest, but we need your help. Your sponsorship donation will
help support our efforts to safeguard bears and the forests they call home. To
"adopt" a bear, visit our Wildlife Adoption Center. |
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Help save America's imperiled wildlife when
you purchase Defenders' checks and accessories from Classic Checks. Select
either wild wonderful wolves or delightful cavorting dolphins to grace your
checks and send a conservation message with every check you write! Save up to
50 percent off what your bank charges for checks. Order
checks now!
5. SAVE KENAI REFUGE: Big Oil targets pristine land in
While the Senate is refusing for now to allow drilling in the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge, Big Oil is targeting a pristine corner of another
Alaska wildlife refuge - Kenai. The Kenai peninsula is known as "little
Alaska" because it contains every geologic feature and wildlife habitat
found in the rest of the state - and most of the species as well. Part of the
refuge is already marred by oil and gas drilling, and that has resulted in
hundreds of thousands of gallons of toxic spills. Help save this spectacular
land from more for-profit exploitation. Go to www.denaction.org
and respond to Alert #185.
6. RESCUING THE SWIFT FOX: 20 more of speedy animals
released into wild
swift foxes were released last week onto the Blackfeet Indian
Reservation on the high plains of northern Montana -- part of Defenders of
Wildlife's efforts to rescue the animal from extinction in that state.
Nearly 140 swift foxes have now been freed into the wild since 1998, and they
are well on their way to reclaiming their niche on more than a million acres
of tribal land. "It is very encouraging to know that these foxes are once
again roaming the grasslands where they belong," Defenders of Wildlife
President Rodger Schlickeisen said. Read our interview with Defenders of
Wildlife's Minette Johnson about this innovative
CARNIVORES 2002: Scientists to speak at Defenders'
Defenders of Wildlife is sponsoring a major three-day conference on marine
and terrestrial carnivores. Called "Carnivores 2002 - From the
Mountains to the Sea: A Conference on Carnivore Biology and Conservation,"
it will be held Nov. 17-20 in Monterey, Calif. It will bring together top
scientists, natural resource agency personnel, educators and advocates to
discuss carnivore conservation and biology. Get
more information.
CRUSADE: He's trying to save turtles of Lake Jackson
Matt Aresco, a student at Florida State University, has
launched a one-man crusade to save the turtles around Lake
Jackson. According to Matt, more turtles are killed
crossing U.S. Highway 27 than on any other road in North
America. He knows because he's counted them. In one
afternoon alone, he found 90 dead turtles on the road.
"They wander into the road, and they get hammered. It's
just a cruel way for a turtle to die," he told the
Tallahassee Democrat newspaper. Matt is asking the Leon
County Commission to build underground culverts to help
turtles and other wildlife cross the highway safely. We'll
keep you posted on developments.
more information.

DENlines is a bi-weekly update of Defenders of Wildlife, a leading national conservation organization recognized as one of the nation's most progressive advocates for wildlife and its habitat. It is known for its effective leadership on endangered species issues, particularly predators such as brown bears and gray wolves. Defenders also advocates new approaches to wildlife conservation that protect species before they become endangered. Founded in 1947, Defenders is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with more than
400,000 members and supporters.
Defenders of Wildlife
1101 14th Street, N.W.
Suite 1400
Washington, DC 20005
Copyright © Defenders of Wildlife